Items unusable by free accounts are unavailable (such as gliders) Unlocked account-wide when one character reaches level 31 Unlocked account-wide when one character reaches level 60

Team Chat always available – Chat in PvP Lobby unlocked when the account reaches PvP Rank 20 – Emotes, Map and Say Chat disabled during matches Starting Maps only until a character level 10 – Lion’s Arch unlocked for each character at level 35Ĭan only send to mutual friends – Can’t send gold or itemsĮxcept for mutual friends can only whisper in the same map one new person every 30 seconds These are the main differences between the two types of account: Type As a free player you can always upgrade your account at any moment. However, you can experience and learn the game just fine, though I personally recommend going for the expansions because they add so many content and features that you will enjoy more. If you are a new player with a free to play account you will notice many limitations on your account for different stuff. Buying the expansions is the single most valuable purchase you can make in Guild Wars 2 because of how many features it unlocks, and they also come with extra character slots. You can play Guild Wars 2 for FREE, and you can Buy The Expansions. Type /wiki (name) into your Guild Wars 2 chat and it will open a wiki page on that topic. Also you can reverse the process and find codes or look up more information on any object or character in the game using a simple command. You can paste chat codes found on the wiki or other sites into the game which will show up as the item or waypoint (Like on this guide for example). NOTE: Guild Wars 2 has an interactive linking feature. So keep in mind, you aren’t losing any content, you can go back at any time. For example, if you are level 80 and you go to Queensdale (the human starting zone) your effective level will be very low to match the content of the map, and you will be able to experience it in the same way. Guild Wars 2 has a system which will scale your level into an “effective” level depending on the area you are in. NOTE: This doesn’t mean you will skip and lose your chance to explore the starting areas, story, etc. The purpose of this guide is to show the different alternatives to reach max level and get your first set of gear to allow you to experience the end-game content and get the most fun out of it by choosing which method sounds the best for you. The end-game in Guild Wars 2 has plenty of meaningful activities without a large barrier-to-entry which is why it appeals to so many players. Many of the features and content related to new players such as starting areas and personal story are a bit outdated and I know a lot of players that get bored and lose their chance to experience the end-game because they did not invest enough time to get there. There are plenty of sights and events to enjoy from the original game, but we aren’t in 2012 anymore (when the game launched).